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Dental Insurance Healthcare, Check Your Fillings Regularly

Thursday, Apr. 27th 2017 6:29 AM

Check Your Fillings Regularly

Have your fillings checked regularly to see if they are still functioning at their best.  To reduce the risk of infection, the dentist may prescribe antibiotics before or after the fillings are replaced.  Minimize the risk of exposure to additional mercury when replacing mercury amalgam fillings by providing clean air to the patient with an oxygen mask and filter the air in the office to reduce the risk of patients and workers breathing in mercury-contaminated air.

If your amalgam fillings cause sensitivity or start to decay, ask your dentist about the risks and benefits of replacing them with a different material, like composite resin.  Although some materials give a cosmetic look closer to that of natural teeth, they may require more frequent replacement than amalgam fillings.

Composites are fillings designed to match the color of your teeth The dentist matches the composite material to the patient’s tooth color.  If possible, ask for the teeth to be ozonated before crowns/fillings are placed to sterilize the surface.  Please be aware that whenever you remove and replace dental fillings, there is always the chance that a tooth could be damaged during the process, especially where the filling is particularly large and/or deep.  Dental fillings all need to be replaced at some point.  Unfortunately, it’s not easy to replace dental fillings, but it can be well worth the effort.  There is a huge controversy within the dental profession about whether dental fillings are dangerous.

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